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Art Cafe \Home Bergonie\ is rated 4.6 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Art Cafe \Home Bergonie\.
I really like the food here. It was fresh and delicious and right near where l was staying
A very peculiar place for those who appreciate theater culture. Both actors and audience of the nearby theater (one of the oldest and best in Kyiv) come here before and after plays to rest. While the cafe itself is ordinary, the atmosphere is breathtaking.
Very original interior and feel like at home
One love ️
Very specific place, once loved by the actors and guests of the theater what is just around the corner. Cuisine's fair and eclectic, hospitality is ok. Expect loud companies.
Control the check because possible mistakes. Place offers on multiple screens B&W old comedy American movies (buster Keaton,..). Night live music. Terrace Cosy and quiet.
Great arty atmosphere as linked to a Russian speaking theatre. Very decent food and Sri k at very affordable prices...
love summer teraza .aften here! good choice to relax in the evening with friends!
Art Cafe \Home Bergonie\
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